J'ai besoin d'intimité. Non pas parce que mes actions sont douteuses, mais parce que votre jugement et vos intentions le sont.
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Tout est dans le titre.
Très instructif.
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(Emma) dans les commentaires.
Ça m'a fait marrer.
Le réseau des électroniciens a vocation à identifier, capitaliser et transmettre les savoir-faire métier, favoriser le partage d’expériences et mutualiser les ressources, au profit des électroniciens de l'ESR, des laboratoires et des projets scientifiques.
Il a vocation à éclairer les différentes instances de nos organismes de tutelle sur toutes les questions relatives à la communauté avec le soutien de la Mission pour les Initiatives Transverses et Interdisciplinaires du CNRS (MITI).
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Un tutoriel sur Git en français.
Pas mal ce site, surtout pour sa chaine youtube
Make sure that get the Fan SHIM on the correct pins and that you don't accidentally shift them over one pin to the left or one row down, or you're highly likely to damage your Fan SHIM and possibly your Pi.
If you're not using a case, the push your Fan SHIM all the way down onto the GPIO pins. If you're using Fan SHIM in one of our Pibow Coupé 4 cases, then you can just push it down part way onto the GPIO pins so that you can still access the right-angle tactile switch.
If you're happy that the Fan SHIM is mounted properly, then plug in your power supply and boot up your Pi now.
Installing the Fan SHIM software
For this part of the tutorial, you'll need a micro-SD card that's been set up with the Raspbian operating system, and to be connected to Wi-Fi. It's also really handy to have a display, keyboard, and mouse connected to your Pi for these next bits.
Open a terminal (press control-alt-t or find it in the Raspberry Pi menu) and then type the following to install the Fan SHIM Python library:
git clone h ttps://github.com/pimoroni/fanshim-python
cd fanshim-python
sudo ./install.sh
That installs the Python library itself, but we've put together a nice Python script that sets temperature thresholds (along with a couple of other options) and then turns the fan on automatically when it reaches a threshold and back off when it drops back below a second threshold.
The installer accepts three values, the first for the on threshold temperature at which the fan kicks in, the second for the off threshold temperature at which the fan stops again, and the third for the delay between each temperature reading.
In our testing, an on threshold of 65°C, an off threshold of 55°C, and a delay of 2 work pretty well. Type the following in the terminal to run the installer for the automatic script:
cd examples
sudo ./install-service.sh --on-threshold 65 --off-threshold 55 --delay 2
This installer will run the automatic script in the background, and it should even start running again if you shutdown and boot up again, or reboot.
The LED indicates the CPU temperature, with green being cooler and red being hotter. A long press on the button put the fan into manual mode and then a short press will stop or start the fan. Long pressing again will re-enable automatic mode.
If you ever need to stop the script running in the background, you can type in the terminal:
sudo systemctl stop pimoroni-fanshim.service
If you want to change the thresholds, e.g to change the on temperature to 75, the off temperature to 60, and the delay to 5 seconds, then you can type the following in the terminal:
sudo systemctl stop pimoroni-fanshim.service
sudo ./install-service.sh --on-threshold 75 --off-threshold 60 --delay 5
If you want to permanently disable the background script, you can type in the terminal:
sudo systemctl stop pimoroni-fanshim.service
sudo systemctl disable pimoroni-fanshim.service
Or to re-enable it:
sudo systemctl enable pimoroni-fanshim.service
sudo systemctl start pimoroni-fanshim.service
More examples
We've provided a few other examples that demonstrate the functionality of the Fan SHIM Python library, i.e. the RGB LED, and the tactile switch/button.
You can find the examples here, along with short descriptions of what each one does: https://github.com/pimoroni/fanshim-python/tree/master/examples.
The script supports these arguments:
--on-threshold N the temperature at which to turn the fan on, in degrees C (default 65)
--off-threshold N the temperature at which to turn the fan off, in degrees C (default 55)
--delay N the delay between subsequent temperature readings, in seconds (default 2)
--preempt preemptively kick in the fan when the CPU frequency is raised (default off)
--brightness the brightness (value of HSV) of the LED (0-255, default 255)
Deprecated arguments
--threshold N the temperature at which the fan should turn on, in degrees C (default 55)
--hysteresis N the change in temperature needed to trigger a fan state change, in degrees C (default 5)
You can use systemd or crontab to run this example as a fan controller service on your Pi.
To use systemd, just run:
sudo ./install-service.sh
You can then stop the fan service with:
sudo systemctl stop pimoroni-fanshim.service
If you need to change the threshold, hysteresis or delay you can add them as arguments to the installer:
sudo ./install-service.sh --on-threshold 65 --off-threshold 55 --delay 2
To enable CPU-frequency based control:
sudo ./install-service.sh --on-threshold 65 --off-threshold 55 --delay 2 --preempt
You can also add --noled
to disable LED control and/or --nobutton
to disable button input.
Si jamais les commandes ci-dessus ne fonctionnent pas, il faut ajouter l'utilisateur courant au groupe gpio (groupe à créer s'il n'existe pas) :
sudo usermod -a -G gpio YourUserName
Ensuite, il faut relancer les services :
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl stop pimoroni-fanshim
sudo systemctl start pimoroni-fanshim