J'ai besoin d'intimité. Non pas parce que mes actions sont douteuses, mais parce que votre jugement et vos intentions le sont.
5158 links
Un microscope bas coût à base de raspberry pi et open source à fabriquer soi même.
Although you’d be hard-pressed to tell in some areas, it’s summer in the northern hemisphere, which always seems to bring out the projects that require a swimming pool for adequate test…
Un sousmarin en Lego et avec un récipient étanche en verre. Les mécanismes et les moteurs sont fixes à l'aide d'aimants. Brillant !
It’s not often you see AC power input as a feature on a microcontroller board this tiny! This ATtiny85-based board is designed with the model train community in mind, hence the AC input requirement. The designer, Mark’s Gadgets, has managed to squeeze not only the ATtiny85 but also a full bridge rectifier and 5V linear...
Attiny85 with a full bridge rectifier, linear regulator and 430 Ohm current limiting resistors for all outputs
Impressionnant !
All the code you need to create your own rotary phone radio (python script, arduino code, and chrome extension) - carolinebuttet/rotary-radio
I hacked a rotary phone into a radio! Pick up the phone, choose a country and a decade, and listen to some great music! By carolinebuttet.
Projet très intéressant !